On April 20, come celebrate your fundraising efforts by dancing and enjoying a night of music and joy! DJ Jyoti of KEXP’s Wo’ Pop, will be our host for the evening, helping us celebrate the energy that comes from doing what we can to help save democracy!

"My current musical inspirations are ever-growing as I weave my electronic, classical, hip-hop, pop, jazz, and funk threads into a tapestry that invites my listeners to think differently about how they relate to cultures through music. I love learning what world music means to different people and supporting boundary-breaking artists."



Newsflash 〰️

Together we met and surpassed our goal!  In the days leading up to our big dance, let's give it one final push to see how far past our goal we can get!  Every dollar raised above $100,000 is another dollar for progressive policies and candidates in the swing states where it matters most!

Saturday April 20th

7pm - 10pm

Let’s dance and raise money For democracy!

The 2024 election is only months away and the stakes are higher than ever. Sign up now for Dance for Democracy and help raise money for the Movement Voter Project! Together we will help support voter registration efforts in the swing states that will determine who our next President and congressional representatives will be!   To win in November we need to register and inspire voters, and that’s exactly what MVP does, in swing states where it matters most.

How do I get involved?

Sign up to dance!

Then invite your friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors to sponsor you. On April 20, come celebrate your fundraising efforts by dancing and enjoying a night of music and joy! DJ Jyoti of KEXP’s Wo’ Pop, will be our host for the evening, helping us celebrate the energy that comes from doing what we can to help save democracy!

Saturday, April 20, 7-10 PM


Mark your calendar, lace up those dancing shoes, start reaching out to sponsors, and let's Dance for Democracy together! We look forward to seeing you on April 20 for a night of great music, dancing, and celebration!

DONATE: If you can’t attend the event, please consider donating to MVP directly.

About MVP:

Movement Voter Project supports the most effective local grassroots and community-based organizations in key swing states, with a focus on youth, communities of color, LGBTQ+ voters, and other under-represented communities. By supporting these grassroots efforts, we will make a significant impact in swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Watch this video about MVP’s strategy.

More Ways to Get Involved

  • VOLUNTEER: We are also looking for volunteers to help with event coordination. If you would like to help make this event a success, fill out this volunteer form.

This is a Movement

Working at the intersections of social movements, grassroots communities, and elections is the best way to ensure that we both win big and build long-term progressive power.

Building community and strengthening our democracy through dance